Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flight of Nonsense

No card finished today because I went grocery shopping, watched Dr. OZ on Oprah tell us how to live to 125 and then watched Mr. President.  This picture is in honor of the eruption of Mt. Redoubt in Alaska.  I have never been to Alaska and I have no idea what mountain this is, but I do know it is in Alaska because I took the picture out of the plane window on the way to China.
Other things worth mentioning include the broken right collarbone of Lance Armstrong (shucks) and the marriage of David Letterman ('bout time).  Other things not worth mentioning (but I will anyway) was the crochet artist yesterday on MARTHA who had crocheted a urinal to hang on the wall.  I briefly turned that show on today to see one of her worker bees eating a sandwich she had just made and declaring that he had never had butter on a sandwich before. I then turned it off.  With any luck tomorrow Tiptoe the Birthday Elf will make my dreams come true.  Now isn't this what a blog is all about, no paragraphs and a bit of nonsense? 

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